3x3x3 Cube Resolution Guide
The goal of this guide is to help you learn how to solve the Rubik's Cube in the easiest and most understandable way possible. It’s not very complicated to learn, but it requires concentration, memory, and spatial awareness.
Before starting the resolution, take a look at the 3x3x3 Notation section, where you will find the basic concepts you need to know to start solving it.
Notation 3x3x3We will solve the cube layer by layer, and there are 3 layers. The resolution of each layer has its steps, making a total of 7 steps.:
- First layer:
- Cross: Resolution of the first layer edges.
- Corners: Resolution of the first layer corners.
- Second layer:
- Edges: Resolution of the first layer corners.
- Third layer:
- Edge orientation: Correctly orienting the third layer edges.
- Edge permutation: Placing the edges in their correct position.
- Corner permutation: Placing the third layer corners in their correct position.
- Corner orientation: Orienting the third layer corners.
First layer
In this first layer, there are 2 steps. First, we will place the edges to make the cross, and then we will place the corners to complete the first layer.
First step: The cross
In this first step, we need to create the cross. But be careful, it's not enough for just the white cross to appear, the color on the side of the edge must match the center color of that face. In the image, you can see that the white and red edge matches both the white center and the red, just like the white and blue corner.
To make the cross, the best method is to follow logic. However, I will give you four guidelines to help you get oriented.
First, orient the cube so that the white center faces upwards. In fact, until we complete the first two layers, the white center must always face up.
Now, find an edge that has the white color.
Once we locate it, find its correct place.
Finally, without losing the orientation of the cube and using logic, place the piece in its correct position by moving the different layers of the cube.
Be aware if we already have another edge placed. It might be necessary to temporarily displace it, but stay alert, and if it happens, place it back in its correct position.
Second step: Corners
In this second step, we will complete the first layer by placing the white corners in their correct positions.
As in the previous step, first, we need to find the piece we want to place, find its corresponding place, and finally, place the piece. In this case, we are doing this with the corners.
By moving the lower layer of the cube, we need to place the corner under its corresponding spot, and orient the cube so that the white part of the corner to be placed is facing us, and the white center faces up. If this is not possible, it's because the corner is in the top layer or the white part of the corner is facing down. These two situations correspond to case 1 and case 4.
We can encounter 4 different situations to place the corner in its place.
Case 1
The corner to place is in the top layer of the cube.
To solve this, first, we need to remove the piece from the top layer to place it in the bottom layer.
Now, orient the cube so that the white center faces up, and the corner we want to remove from the top layer is in the top right of the front face, as shown in the image. Then apply the following algorithm:
Now, we can move the lower layer of the cube until the piece is under its correct place.
Case 2
In this case, the corner to be placed is at the bottom right of the front face. To solve this situation, apply the following algorithm.
I recommend trying to understand the logic behind the algorithm you will do. This way, it will be easier to remember and understand how the cube is solved.
Notice that what we achieve with this algorithm is moving the white piece away, lowering the right layer, placing the corner, and finally returning the right layer to its place.
Case 3
In this case, the corner to place is at the bottom left of the front face. To solve this, apply the following algorithm.
This case is like case 2 but in reverse.
Case 4
This last case occurs when the white part of the corner to be placed is facing down. We must orient the cube so that the corner to be placed is at the bottom right of the front face, and apply the following algorithm:
Using the 4 cases mentioned above, we should be able to solve the first layer of the cube.
Second layer
In this second layer, there is only one step, which consists of placing the edges of the second layer in their correct position.
First step: Edges
The procedure to follow to place the edges is as follows:
1. Look for an edge in the lower layer that does not have the yellow color, as the edges with yellow correspond to the last layer.
2. By moving the lower layer, align the lateral color of the edge with the center of the same color, forming a T.
3. Now, we need to check if this edge should be placed on the right or left side, depending on this, we will use one algorithm or another.
Case 1
The correct position of the edge is on the right layer.
Facing the T, we perform the following algorithm:
Case 2
The correct position of the edge is on the left layer.
Facing the T, we perform the following algorithm:
Case 3
It may happen that there is no edge in the lower layer without the yellow color, and the second layer is not solved. This happens when all the edges without yellow are placed in the second layer, but not correctly.
To solve this, simply place any edge with yellow in the place of one of the edges we want to place correctly. Once done, we will have a piece without yellow in the lower layer to continue.
Once we have placed all the edges, the second layer will be completed.
Third layer
Only the last layer remains, and to solve it, we must follow these 4 steps.
First step: Edge orientation
The goal of this step is to create the yellow cross, this time without worrying about whether the lateral color of the edge matches the lateral center.
First, rotate the cube so that the yellow center faces up. From now on, we will always look at the cube with this orientation until it's solved.
The cube can end up in any of the 4 different phases shown in the images. If we're lucky, the cross will be formed, and we can proceed to the next step.
The algorithm will allow us to move phase by phase until we have the cross.
The images show the correct orientation to perform the algorithm, with the yellow face as the top face. Each time we perform the algorithm, we will advance to the next phase.
For example, if we have the dot, we perform the algorithm and move to the line, then perform the algorithm again and move to the L shape, and finally perform the series once more to complete the cross.
The algorithm is as follows:
Second step: Edge permutation
In this step, we will change the positions of the edges of the third layer to place them in the correct spot.
The algorithm in this step swaps the position of 3 of the edges, rotating them counterclockwise. The edge we face will be the only one that does not rotate.
By moving the top layer, we need to get only one of the edges in the top layer correctly placed. This isn't always possible, and if we can't do it because none or two of the edges are correctly placed, we must perform the algorithm using any of the lateral faces as the front face. Once the series is done, we can achieve this by moving the top layer.
Another case we can encounter is when, by moving the top layer, we manage to place all the edges in their correct positions. If this happens, we’re lucky, and we can proceed to the next step.
It may be necessary to perform the algorithm a couple of times for the pieces to rotate into their correct positions.
The algorithm is as follows
Third step: Corner permutation
In this step, we need to place the corners in their positions, but be careful, they don't need to be oriented correctly, just placed in their correct spots.
In the target image, we can see an example. All the corners are in their positions, but not all are oriented correctly. For example, the yellow, red, and blue corner is in its place, but not oriented correctly, as it needs to be rotated clockwise to be in the right orientation.
To do this, we will use an algorithm that swaps the positions of 3 corners counterclockwise.
We can encounter three different cases:
Case 1
All the corners are in their place, we are lucky, and we can proceed to the next step.
Case 2
None of the corners are in the right place.
In this case, perform the algorithm using any of the lateral faces as the front face and proceed to case 3.
Case 3
One of the corners is in its correct place.
In this case, orient the cube so that, as in the previous steps, the yellow center faces up and the correctly placed corner is in the upper right of the front face. Once we have the cube correctly oriented, we can perform the algorithm, and we might need to do it twice to rotate the pieces into their position.
You can see an example of this in the image.
The algorithm is as follows:
Fourth step: Corner orientation
This is the last step. Pay attention because if we make a mistake, we will have to start the resolution from the beginning.
In this step, we will orient the corners that aren't oriented one by one. Don't worry if it seems like the cube is coming undone, as long as we follow the instructions step by step, the cube will eventually be solved.
To orient the corners, first, we need to orient the cube correctly, with the yellow center facing up and one of the corners to orient at the upper right of the front face.
Once we have the cube properly oriented, we focus on the color of the front face and during the entire step, we will never take our eyes off this face.
Perform the algorithm 2 or 4 times until we see that the corner is correctly oriented. The cube may appear to come undone, but don't worry, this is normal.
Without losing the front face we started looking at, move the top layer to place the next corner to orient at the upper right.
Perform the algorithm again 2 or 4 times until the corner is properly oriented.
If there are still corners left to orient, repeat steps 4 and 5.
Congratulations! You have solved the cube!